Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My Profile

I'll start with a brief explanation about myself and my family. My name is Yasser Al-Mousawi, I was born on the 27th of May 1988 in Abu Dhabi, and I'm 20 years old. I was raised in a small family, my parents, my two sisters, and me. My parents were born in the UAE, but after a period of time they had to travel and live in Qatar, because life at that time was difficult with no electricity in the UAE. About my childhood, well let me say that I was among the naughty children that used to always get into trouble. My parents were one of those kind of families who are open minded but strict at the same time. Life for them was straight forward; they wanted everything to be on time such as eating, sleeping, and studying. However, I was that kind of kid who is very clumsy, roaming around, jumping, and running. I never stopped till I got knocked on my head, anyways in my opinion being naughty means that I was a very smart kid.

When I was a teenager I realized that life is not only playing; besides there was something beyond that I wanted to reach. Therefore I started to build my personality, I had to depend on my self, be strong and honest. Obviously I believe that I am a very honest person. Nowadays, a lot people lie about many tiny things, such as weight and age or even their social level which in my own opinion it's not worth it. People might lie thinking that it is a good solution to get out of a problem or a dilemma. I think that a person should be honest in everything he does; because honesty is the best key to happiness in life.

I traveled to different places around the world, when I was young my parents used to take us to Oman particularly to Salala because it was nice calm city. Then when I turned to grade nine, I went to Egypt with our soccer team in school, and I faced a very sad incident when my friends went away and left me behind, but any way in the end I made it back home using my own way. My favorite trip was in the summer of 2007; I went to Belgium and France with my two cousins who were 16 and 22 and I was 19. So it's our first time to face the world with our own authority, we were trying our best to believe in our selves and hold responsibilities. I learned a lot, I met different people with different cultures, and in addition I learned how to cook, how to book tickets, and how to wash my clothes. It was my favorite trip because I learned how to be independent and take care of my self.

Actually I'm interested in all kinds of sports. In my free time I like playing soccer, you can say that soccer is one of my favorite sports, I'm also interested in adventures, I like going for an adventure. For example, last summer in France, I went for a tree climbing on top of a mountain. It was very scary which made it interesting, I could see the entire world from above, and at that moment I felt like I'm the boss of the world. In addition to sports and adventures I like spending my time playing video games, I usually go to one of my best friends shop which sells all kinds of video games, I stay there and play, but what's really important that I started learning from his business. For example, I learned how to deal with people and how to manage the work and how to build my own name or company which could help me with my major which is business and give me more experience.

One of the experiences that I was influenced by is H.H Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al-Nahyan; he was president of the UAE and our undisputed father. H.H Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al-Nahyan was respected around the world for his unifying influence and his drive to make the Emirates one nation. Till this day I could never forget all the favors he did for our country. Sheikh Zayed had a very strong personality; in addition he was very generous. He thinks of his people before even thinking of himself. He offered us a very high standard of living. Sheikh Zayed mostly affected me by his generosity, I wish I can be like him respected by the whole world even in the US and Europe where he was known there as a moderate and gentle ruler.

I want to study and study till I get to be the person who I know I could be in the future. I'm having my HD now and am aiming for the bachelor and PHD. In the future, I want to play a very big role in my country. I want to have a very good position. I want to be a powerful man in my country, change things around. I see my self in the business stream where i can express more and own a company. Then grow bigger and bigger till it expands to the whole Gulf region. Also i would like to have a family of my own and have a normal simple life that is full of joy and happiness.


7aMooD said...

Your profile is so interesting and fun to read Yasser ^^, Goodluck with your studies..

Frankie Sutton said...

Great profile. Very well written.

vege said...

you profile is so intresting waiting 4 ur new posts

ِAli Al Hammadi said...

it's nice and interesting.
good luck with your studies.

bea* said...

well,interesting indeed..

that wazn't brief though ;p
but it was fun to read..
i luv dat courage of yours..
i hope ur plan goes as wished inshallah..

keep it up;)

Mohamed AlQahtani said...

WaaaW, I am impressed Yasser. What a great profile!! I really enjoyed reading it. I hope you best of luck in your studies and in your future life and keep it up brother.