Wednesday, April 23, 2008

An Inconvenient Truth

“An Inconvenient Truth” is a documentary film done by the former vice president of the United States Of America Al Gore which is about global warming to raise the awareness of the people around the world. Losing to the president George Walker Bush made him change his life coarse to tell stories to different parts of the world about climate change. He also talked about his personal life were he lost his sister do to lung cancer caused by smoking tobacco. Therefore, his father who had a farm in the past stopped growing tobacco. Al Gore explained the scientific opinion on climate change using slide shows. He presented the slides with a sarcastic and open minded way.

I think the movie could be a political document. Al Gore showed that many cities in the US have signed up to become cool cities even though the US government didn’t sign the Kyoto Protocol. It even showed that many companies are trying to control there products such as cars. Moreover, when Al Gore spoke about his personal life we understood that his father stopped growing tobacco which caused the death of his daughter. Therefore, we learned that if we stop doing something wrong we could save many things.

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