Thursday, June 5, 2008

Conclusion - “We’ll save the planet only if we’re forced to”

The planet is facing some serous problems such as global warming. People are not responding to the problems we face. However, people are controlling the temperature by releasing harmful gasses to the air. Many people are trying to solve the problems by changing their light bulbs and their life styles, but he thinks it’s not even the start of solving the problems. There is no use if people tried to change things as individuals, in order to make a change they should all work as a team. Greenhouse gas emissions are harming millions of people. The solution should come from the government, they should make people pay taxes and force them to shift to green cars. Johann Hari had enough with the fake excuses. He thinks that people should be forced in order for them to save the planet.

In my opinion, I disagree with Johann Hari. I think that it’s wrong to force people to be environmentally friendly. One reason is that people would give out their best if they agree with what they are doing. For example, if a person is forced to do something he doesn’t agree with he would do it but with no love. Another reason is that people might do harmful stuff behind the government or who ever forces them to do so. Also I think that if people agreed on what they are doing I think it would be easier to save the world.

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