Thursday, June 5, 2008

Cool Cities

Since the industrial revolution the world has achieved a remarkable economic development. However, in exchange for economical growth we are now having problems such as earth’s environmental issues or in other words global warming. These issues include rise in population, traffic delays, increases in energy consumption, as well as increases in carbon dioxide being released into the air. If we continue today’s life style without solving these issues we will face serous problems in the future. Many cities have signed up to be cool cities to solve these issues. These cities are planning to build a city which has a goal which is to maintain a sustainable urban development and architecture. Cool cities are cities that have signed up and made promises that they will reduce global warming. Hence, Abu Dhabi is one of the cool cities which had made a promise to try to control global warming. Abu Dhabi is making a big action in developing their environmentally friendly actions by building “Masdar City”. Moreover, “Masdar City” will focus on solar energy with zero carbon which will reduce the build up of CO2 in the country’s atmosphere. Also it will have zero waste which will reduce the pollution caused by discarded products. In addition to that, it will have a sustainable transport. The city will be build with the help of the WWF. Also it will be build by the best scientists in the world. On the other hand there around two hundred cool cities in America. In America the cities over there are reducing global warming in the entire city unlike Abu Dhabi which is only building a city in the city of Abu Dhabi. However, there are four steps for cities to become a cool city. First, the city should promise that they would try to control global warming. Second, build a global warming emissions inventory. Third, bring up solutions for the problems. Fourth, apply and monitor the project.

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