Thursday, June 5, 2008

One Planet Living

Global warming is a term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the earth’s surface and oceans. If everyone lived like an average North American we would need five planets. On the other hand, an average European needs three planets. While an average Emirati needs seven planets. However, our global footprint grew by 150% between 1961 and 2003. It is now 25% above the planet’s biological capacity to support life on earth. Therefore, the WWF has developed an initiative called One Planet Living. It has ten guiding principles:

1. Zero Carbon: Will reduce the build up of CO2 in the country’s atmosphere by supplying energy from renewable sources

2. Zero Waste: Will reduce the pollution caused by discarded product by recycling and composting

3. Sustainable Transport: Use renewable fuel

4. Local and Sustainable Materials: Use local materials which are renewable and recycled

5. Local and Sustainable Food: Provide healthy and quality local food

6. Sustainable Water: Reuse and recycle local water resources

7. Natural Habitats and Wildlife: Regenerate damaged environments and protect them

8. Cultural and Heritage: Build and protect diversity and local heritage

9. Equity and Fairtrade: Encourage fair trading relationships and equity

10. Health and Happiness: Encourage physical and healthy lifestyles

In my opinion, I think that Equity and Fairtrade will be diffcult for Masdar City to maintain because; it will cause some global problems in fairtrade. The “One Planet Living” programme has three goals:

1. Build a global network of One Planet Living Communities

2. Build One Planet Living Centres in each One Planet Living community as a focus for education

3. Encourage the essential for One Planet Living and its guiding principles to catalyse change with governments, business and individuals

There are five different Emerging One Planet communities:

1. Masdar City

2. JinShan

3. Sibaya

4. Meadowbrook Montreal

5. OPL London Project

There are three Officially Endorsed One Planet Communities:

1. Sonoma Mountain Village

2. One Gallions & One Brighton

3. Mata de Sesimbra

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