Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My Profile

I'll start with a brief explanation about myself and my family. My name is Yasser Al-Mousawi, I was born on the 27th of May 1988 in Abu Dhabi, and I'm 20 years old. I was raised in a small family, my parents, my two sisters, and me. My parents were born in the UAE, but after a period of time they had to travel and live in Qatar, because life at that time was difficult with no electricity in the UAE. About my childhood, well let me say that I was among the naughty children that used to always get into trouble. My parents were one of those kind of families who are open minded but strict at the same time. Life for them was straight forward; they wanted everything to be on time such as eating, sleeping, and studying. However, I was that kind of kid who is very clumsy, roaming around, jumping, and running. I never stopped till I got knocked on my head, anyways in my opinion being naughty means that I was a very smart kid.

When I was a teenager I realized that life is not only playing; besides there was something beyond that I wanted to reach. Therefore I started to build my personality, I had to depend on my self, be strong and honest. Obviously I believe that I am a very honest person. Nowadays, a lot people lie about many tiny things, such as weight and age or even their social level which in my own opinion it's not worth it. People might lie thinking that it is a good solution to get out of a problem or a dilemma. I think that a person should be honest in everything he does; because honesty is the best key to happiness in life.

I traveled to different places around the world, when I was young my parents used to take us to Oman particularly to Salala because it was nice calm city. Then when I turned to grade nine, I went to Egypt with our soccer team in school, and I faced a very sad incident when my friends went away and left me behind, but any way in the end I made it back home using my own way. My favorite trip was in the summer of 2007; I went to Belgium and France with my two cousins who were 16 and 22 and I was 19. So it's our first time to face the world with our own authority, we were trying our best to believe in our selves and hold responsibilities. I learned a lot, I met different people with different cultures, and in addition I learned how to cook, how to book tickets, and how to wash my clothes. It was my favorite trip because I learned how to be independent and take care of my self.

Actually I'm interested in all kinds of sports. In my free time I like playing soccer, you can say that soccer is one of my favorite sports, I'm also interested in adventures, I like going for an adventure. For example, last summer in France, I went for a tree climbing on top of a mountain. It was very scary which made it interesting, I could see the entire world from above, and at that moment I felt like I'm the boss of the world. In addition to sports and adventures I like spending my time playing video games, I usually go to one of my best friends shop which sells all kinds of video games, I stay there and play, but what's really important that I started learning from his business. For example, I learned how to deal with people and how to manage the work and how to build my own name or company which could help me with my major which is business and give me more experience.

One of the experiences that I was influenced by is H.H Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al-Nahyan; he was president of the UAE and our undisputed father. H.H Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al-Nahyan was respected around the world for his unifying influence and his drive to make the Emirates one nation. Till this day I could never forget all the favors he did for our country. Sheikh Zayed had a very strong personality; in addition he was very generous. He thinks of his people before even thinking of himself. He offered us a very high standard of living. Sheikh Zayed mostly affected me by his generosity, I wish I can be like him respected by the whole world even in the US and Europe where he was known there as a moderate and gentle ruler.

I want to study and study till I get to be the person who I know I could be in the future. I'm having my HD now and am aiming for the bachelor and PHD. In the future, I want to play a very big role in my country. I want to have a very good position. I want to be a powerful man in my country, change things around. I see my self in the business stream where i can express more and own a company. Then grow bigger and bigger till it expands to the whole Gulf region. Also i would like to have a family of my own and have a normal simple life that is full of joy and happiness.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Introduction To Abu Dhabi – A Cool City

Global warming is a term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the earth’s surface and oceans. In Asia, were now a day Asian countries are developing rapidly like the Gulf countries specially the UAE which is believed to have the largest carbon footprint. However, carbon footprint is a way to measure or evaluate our way of working, eating, and travel in terms of actions which cause global warming. Therefore, UAE or Abu Dhabi in specific is making a big action in developing their environmentally friendly actions by building “Masdar City”. Moreover, “Masdar City” will focus on solar energy with zero carbon which will reduce the build up of CO2 in the country’s atmosphere. Also it will have zero waste which will reduce the pollution caused by discarded products. In addition to that, it will have a sustainable transport. Hence, Abu Dhabi is one of the cool cities which had made a promise to try to control global warming. In this project I will write about global warming, our carbon footprints, and cool cities using critical thinking and the six hats.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Conclusion - “We’ll save the planet only if we’re forced to”

The planet is facing some serous problems such as global warming. People are not responding to the problems we face. However, people are controlling the temperature by releasing harmful gasses to the air. Many people are trying to solve the problems by changing their light bulbs and their life styles, but he thinks it’s not even the start of solving the problems. There is no use if people tried to change things as individuals, in order to make a change they should all work as a team. Greenhouse gas emissions are harming millions of people. The solution should come from the government, they should make people pay taxes and force them to shift to green cars. Johann Hari had enough with the fake excuses. He thinks that people should be forced in order for them to save the planet.

In my opinion, I disagree with Johann Hari. I think that it’s wrong to force people to be environmentally friendly. One reason is that people would give out their best if they agree with what they are doing. For example, if a person is forced to do something he doesn’t agree with he would do it but with no love. Another reason is that people might do harmful stuff behind the government or who ever forces them to do so. Also I think that if people agreed on what they are doing I think it would be easier to save the world.

Abu Dhabi - A Cool City?

In my opinion, Abu Dhabi is not a cool city but they are working on it. However, I think that the “Masdar City” project will go well because Abu Dhabi has a hot climate and “Masdar City” will have a cool climate. Also it would give people more and better options. In order for Abu Dhabi to become a cool city they would have to set rules and try to reduce the carbon emissions in the city not only building a city in Abu Dhabi it will reduce some of the carbon emissions but in order to get better results they should focus on the entire city. However, Abu Dhabi is has many projects which will be build in the future so I think its going to be a cool city after 20 years.

Cool Cities

Since the industrial revolution the world has achieved a remarkable economic development. However, in exchange for economical growth we are now having problems such as earth’s environmental issues or in other words global warming. These issues include rise in population, traffic delays, increases in energy consumption, as well as increases in carbon dioxide being released into the air. If we continue today’s life style without solving these issues we will face serous problems in the future. Many cities have signed up to be cool cities to solve these issues. These cities are planning to build a city which has a goal which is to maintain a sustainable urban development and architecture. Cool cities are cities that have signed up and made promises that they will reduce global warming. Hence, Abu Dhabi is one of the cool cities which had made a promise to try to control global warming. Abu Dhabi is making a big action in developing their environmentally friendly actions by building “Masdar City”. Moreover, “Masdar City” will focus on solar energy with zero carbon which will reduce the build up of CO2 in the country’s atmosphere. Also it will have zero waste which will reduce the pollution caused by discarded products. In addition to that, it will have a sustainable transport. The city will be build with the help of the WWF. Also it will be build by the best scientists in the world. On the other hand there around two hundred cool cities in America. In America the cities over there are reducing global warming in the entire city unlike Abu Dhabi which is only building a city in the city of Abu Dhabi. However, there are four steps for cities to become a cool city. First, the city should promise that they would try to control global warming. Second, build a global warming emissions inventory. Third, bring up solutions for the problems. Fourth, apply and monitor the project.

Why I would like to live in Masdar city

The estimated $22 billion zero carbon city “Masdar City” will be a city for people who want to live a sustainable lifestyle. I think that I would like to live in “Masdar City” because it would be cooler than Abu Dhabi because it would have shaded streets. Even though living in Masdar City would be expensive but I think it’s worth it. Moreover, I think that living in “Masdar City” will prevent me from losing my environmental and sustainable values. Also it will be cool there which will prevent me from travelling to other countries looking for a country with a cool climate. Moreover, I won’t need to set the air conditioning to a high level

One Planet Living

Global warming is a term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the earth’s surface and oceans. If everyone lived like an average North American we would need five planets. On the other hand, an average European needs three planets. While an average Emirati needs seven planets. However, our global footprint grew by 150% between 1961 and 2003. It is now 25% above the planet’s biological capacity to support life on earth. Therefore, the WWF has developed an initiative called One Planet Living. It has ten guiding principles:

1. Zero Carbon: Will reduce the build up of CO2 in the country’s atmosphere by supplying energy from renewable sources

2. Zero Waste: Will reduce the pollution caused by discarded product by recycling and composting

3. Sustainable Transport: Use renewable fuel

4. Local and Sustainable Materials: Use local materials which are renewable and recycled

5. Local and Sustainable Food: Provide healthy and quality local food

6. Sustainable Water: Reuse and recycle local water resources

7. Natural Habitats and Wildlife: Regenerate damaged environments and protect them

8. Cultural and Heritage: Build and protect diversity and local heritage

9. Equity and Fairtrade: Encourage fair trading relationships and equity

10. Health and Happiness: Encourage physical and healthy lifestyles

In my opinion, I think that Equity and Fairtrade will be diffcult for Masdar City to maintain because; it will cause some global problems in fairtrade. The “One Planet Living” programme has three goals:

1. Build a global network of One Planet Living Communities

2. Build One Planet Living Centres in each One Planet Living community as a focus for education

3. Encourage the essential for One Planet Living and its guiding principles to catalyse change with governments, business and individuals

There are five different Emerging One Planet communities:

1. Masdar City

2. JinShan

3. Sibaya

4. Meadowbrook Montreal

5. OPL London Project

There are three Officially Endorsed One Planet Communities:

1. Sonoma Mountain Village

2. One Gallions & One Brighton

3. Mata de Sesimbra